why we still need women’s equality day

You’ve probably heard that it’s #NationalDogDay. And, trust, me I love dogs. But did you know it’s also Women’s Equality Day?


That’s because on August 26th, 1920 American women earned the right to vote.

If I wasn’t mentally exhausted from (my first business school!) mid-terms, I’d have a lot more to say about the value of Women’s Equality Day. But, I’ll just let this infographic do the talking. And take a look at the president’s proclamation about this important day if you’re itching for more.

#WomensEqualityDay Facts and Figures

photo credit // time



This post is #89 of the #The100DayProject. For more updates on my progress, be sure to follow me on Instagram and look for the hashtage, #100DaysofMiaPrima

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My Little Sister is “Accepting Feminism” 

Why I Started Uncovered Artistry

new arrivals at uncovered artistry nonprofit boutique

I’ve got some excellent news! Uncovered Artistry— the nonprofit I founded with my sister five years ago that sells the work of domestic abuse survivors– has NEW ARRIVALS! They’re a while in the making, but I am so proud of the new styles we have up. Our products– all handmade items– are made by domestic abuse survivors… with the exception of these newest additions.

The new arrivals were actually made by volunteers at various events the Uncovered Artistry Project has hosted throughout the years. Participants made the designs using new and recycled jewelry pieces and graciously donated them to the online boutique. And now, I am very happy to say that many of them are up for sale online.

And keep your eye out…there’s more on the way, too!

UA New Arrivals Spring 2015 (3)Uncovered Artistry: Jewelry Handmade by Domestic Abuse Survivors #100DaysofMiaPrima Uncovered Artistry: Jewelry Handmade by Domestic Abuse Survivors #100DaysofMiaPrima Uncovered Artistry: Jewelry Handmade by Domestic Abuse Survivors #100DaysofMiaPrimaUA New Arrivals Spring 2015

So what is the Uncovered Artistry Project and boutique?

It started with a simple equation. 

Art + Entrepreneurship = Empowerment. Add a couple business-savvy ladies and a serendipitous grant from Projects for Peace, and you’ve got yourself Uncovered Artistry Boutique. We’re a little shop built on the belief that business fosters empowerment in all its flavors (financial, personal, emotional, et al.). Our little piece of this cyber world sells the creative work of domestic and sexual abuse survivors, individuals who, more than most, benefit from the uplifting effects of art and business. Our roots are planted deep in Midwest soil, yet our reach extends to all those with an Internet connection and a penchant for joyful shopping. Shop the boutique today.



This post is #82 of the #The100DayProject. For more updates on my progress, be sure to follow me on Instagram and look for the hashtage, #100DaysofMiaPrima

Related Posts

Pearls, Crystals, Gems: Handmade by Abuse Survivors 

Why I Started Uncovered Artistry

The Renaissance Women: Project Sisterhood

equal pay day: what does it mean?

Equal Pay Day 2015 #100DaysofMiaPrima

April 14th is Equal Pay Day. I’m a few days late to the game, but this issue is too important to pass up.

A not-so-fun fact: April 14th was chosen as Equal Pay Day because it represents how far into 2015 that women must work to to earn as much as men did in 2014. That’s 104 days, folks.

In case you missed it, here it is again: women have to work 469 days to earn the same amount of income men make in 365 days.

In other words, women only make 78 cents to every dollar men make. And women of color make even less.

And one more time to really drive it home: Over her career lifetime, a woman will make on average nearly a half a million dollars less than her male counterparts. A half a million dollars less.

Learn more about the gender wage gap here.

And here.

Now that you know, spread the word!

Gender Wage Gap

Cheers (for #EqualPayNow)!


This post is #15 of the #The100DayProject. For more updates on my progress, be sure to follow me on Instagram and look for the hashtage, #100DaysofMiaPrima.

so that’s what she’s been up to…

Sure, I took a hiatus from this blog for a couple months. But trust me it was worth it.

Here’s (some of) what I’ve been up to:

Launching a vintage clothing shop, called The Gibbson Girl.

Gibbson Girl Etsy Banner 1.18.15

Overhauling my personal website

(new art included).

Updating my nonprofit, The Uncovered Artistry Project for the Valentine’s Day season.

I think some relaxing with my favorite cat is order.

Siberian Cat being weird



pearls, crystals, gems: handmade by abuse survivors

I spent one afternoon a couple weekends ago snapping shots of beautiful handmade jewelry for the nonprofit The Uncovered Artistry Project (i.e. the nonprofit I founded five years ago with my sister!). The nonprofit, which boasts an online boutique, sells the artisan work of domestic and sexual abuse survivors. Because we believe art and entrepreneurship are pretty darn empowering.

Below are some of my favorite shots of some of the stunning jewelry we are currently selling in the boutique.

Jewelry Handmade by Abuse Survivors: Uncovered Artistry #uncoveredartistrySwarovski pearl earrings…our bestseller

Jewelry Handmade by Abuse Survivors: Uncovered Artistry #uncoveredartistrySwarovski pearl drop necklace…this one always reminds me of Jane from Pride and Prejudice.

Jewelry Handmade by Abuse Survivors: Uncovered Artistry #uncoveredartistry

domestic violence awareness bracelet…my personal favorite- it’s such a pretty touch to every outfit!

Jewelry Handmade by Abuse Survivors: Uncovered Artistry #uncoveredartistry

true blue rhinestone earrings…are you feeling like royalty today?

Jewelry Handmade by Abuse Survivors: Uncovered Artistry #uncoveredartistry

Don’t forget to shop the boutique and support the nonprofit at uncoveredartistry.com.




Why I Started Uncovered Artistry

The Uncovered Artistry Project www.uncoveredartistry.com

Two years ago (has it been that long!?), I wrote a piece explaining part of my motivation for starting the Uncovered Artistry Project. The reasoning still rings true today. And there are so many words I would add (stay tuned!)! Take a moment to read the below and get a stronger understanding of why my sister and I are doing what we’re doing with our organization. And please, let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

Why I Started Uncovered Artistry 

Originally published on May 10, 2012

The Uncovered Artistry Project

Several weeks ago, I saw Gloria Steinem speak. “It took 100 years for women to achieve legal equality in America,” she said, “And it will take 100 more for us to achieve social equality.” At first her statement was nothing less than despairing. I want to be a successful businesswoman, and to hear that I still face obstacles in my success is not easy to accept. But she is right. Women are not treated equally, and the worst thing we can do is say that women’s fight for liberation and equality is no longer necessary. Women my age often chose to ignore this fight. They prefer to assume that the women’s movement is a movement of their mothers from years passed. They like to think that feminism is for radicals. They like to pretend that they don’t see the signs of women’s inequality.

I started The Uncovered Artistry Project because I believe that domestic and sexual abuse has no place in our society. Abuse does not have to exist. It is a societal disease that can be cured with education, awareness, understanding, and a constantly renewing perception of humankind.

Until there is no more rape or domestic violence or other abuse against anyone (women, men, and children alike), our world is not equal. Abuse against women is enough for me to stand proudly for today’s women’s movement. My contribution to The Uncovered Artistry Project is my contribution to the struggle for equality for everyone. What is your contribution?

The Uncovered Artistry Project www.uncoveredartistry.com The Uncovered Artistry Project www.uncoveredartistry.com

The Renaissance Women: Project Sisterhood

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“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” 

-Margaret Mead

There are some courageous women in this world who decide that they have the power to make and inspire positive change. There are women who look at the world and see opportunity. Who dismiss doubt. Who realize that doing good is their duty, their responsibility, and the inevitable choice. Who build communities, become role models, and dare to stare down the world that often tells them they can’t. Because they can. Because they are the Renaissance Women.

At the Uncovered Artistry Project (the non-profit I founded four years ago with my sister), we believe in inspiring positivity. We support survivors of domestic and sexual abuse, but we also support the strength and courage that is within in every single woman. And that means sharing inspirational stories of amazing women who are doing remarkable things. So today, I’d like to start the first in a series of interviews with inspiring ladies.


The first Renaissance Woman is a colleague of mine, TaJané Perry, founder of  Project Sisterhood. The organization strives to, “to see young girls conquer their environments and the obstacles that they present, seeing them walk with dignity, poise and confidence, being validated through themselves and God.” The organization provides mentorship, guidance, and inspiration for young women. In Taj’s own words, “I started Project Sisterhood, Inc. because I want to bridge the gap between the young girls that want better and the women that have found it.” A beautiful, ambitious mission to be sure.

Basically, the non-profit is totally right up my alley! Inspiring young women to do amazing things? Yes, please! Read on for my interview with Taj and get ready to be inspired.

1. You started Project Sisterhood while an undergrad at Georgetown. What inspired you to start the organization?

So, I guess that I can start this question by telling you about where I grew up. I’m from Las Vegas – not the glitzy, glamorous Las Vegas. I’m from the Las Vegas that no one sees when they look at the map and no one considers when they’re shaping policy that affects us. The educational system was subpar and morality [was] low. I saw a lot of young women that I went to school with end up involved in prostitution, exotic dancing and other not so legal trades. I remember thinking, ‘what happened?’. We grew up in the same place and were exposed to mainly the same opportunities and resources. At what point did our paths diverge so much as to lead me to Georgetown and them to the trades that we all swore we’d never take up? I found that for the most part, we didn’t have that many positive influences. There weren’t many women that had made it through the seductive clutter of Sin City and come back to tell their story, to tell us how. As a result, many of my peers succumbed to what our society said that they should be. I was lucky in that I was involved in several youth programs that were run by amazing women. And that’s where I saw an opportunity. I started Project Sisterhood, Inc. because I want to bridge the gap between the young girls that want better and the women that have found it. If we take the time to mentor and offer guidance to these young girls, we can inspire them to want more for their lives, to strive for more. And I think that starts with us. We have a responsibility to the future generation to pass down all of the knowledge that we’ve acquired on our respective journeys in hopes that their hardships would be lessened and their successes magnified.

2. If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would it be?

Hmmm… if I had to describe myself in one word, I guess that I would say that I’m dynamic. There are so many different pieces of me and I’m really good at compartmentalizing and dealing with one piece at a time. Because of that, I can switch very easily from one mode to another and my mind is always going 1,000 miles a minute. Sometimes, I can be all over the place. 🙂


3. You work full time in the fashion industry while running Project Sisterhood. What are some of your strategies for staying balanced?

One of my main strategies is simply time management. I have to set time aside that is specifically for Project Sisterhood. Otherwise, I can get lost in my current position and allow it to consume me. Since I want to maintain both (and well, at that), I have to decide how to divide my time in a way that allows me to be productive in both areas. When work is going slowly, I’ll check my PS email or take care of some of that business and vice versa. It’s definitely a balancing act but definitely feasible.

4. How would describe your style? Yep, I mean fashion style!

It honestly depends on the day! I am such a mood dresser. There are days when I’m feeling spunky and I’ll pin up my hair and wear something with embellishments and there are other days (most days) when I just want a good pair of denim, a cute top and my favorite boots. I guess I keep it pretty casual.

5. Explain a bit more about the three pillars (dignity, poise, and confidence) and how you developed these three in particular.

It’s funny because the three pillars of the organization actually came as a result of a casual conversation with a friend. I was rattling off everything that I wanted PS to be and the effect that I wanted it to have on our ‘little sisters’. Those were three words that stood out in our conversation. I want every young girl to walk with Dignity, knowing who she is and what she wants out of life. I want her to carry herself with Poise, commanding respect when she walks into a room. And finally, I want her to walk with Confidence – that’s being who you are and doing so unapologetically!

6. How has Project Sisterhood evolved from its beginnings and where do you envision it going in the future?

Like any other organization, we have evolved so much from our inception. In the beginning, I wanted PS to be a solid group/community of girls that we could mentor and develop a relationship with. Eventually, though, we started to get more involved with local organizations and became more of a travelling workshop group. And I LOVED it! Reach became more important to us as an organization. It was no longer about affecting a few girls in a powerful way, it was about reaching a broader audience and still having that powerful effect. One way that we sought to do this was through our Online Magazine at ProjectSisterhood.Org. This is our medium to reach a many young girls as possible outside of our physical limitations. We still seek to partner with local organizations by visiting and conducting workshops but the monthly magazine is our main form of outreach.

In the future, I want us to be able to link girls that subscribe to our site with mentors based on some measure of compatibility. We’d also love to offer a PS Curriculum (possibly a week long program) to churches and other community organizations with similar missions. That way, though we may not be able to facilitate, the messages are still being distributed and impact made. So many goals!

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7. What advice would you give to aspiring women who want to start their own organization for change?

Do it. Stop doubting that you are worthy of such a mission and stop wondering whether or not you have what it takes to execute it effectively. If you have a passion for something, if you wake up and can think of one thing in the world that you want to change – DO IT. Start from the very beginning. Know what social impact you want to have and understand what it takes in order to get there. Take your time and allow the organization to develop as it surely will. Don’t be afraid to go after it, don’t fret when it doesn’t look exactly like you envisioned and don’t stop until you’ve made a difference.

8. How can people outside the organization get involved with Project Sisterhood?

Project Sisterhood is always looking for people to write for our monthly magazine! If you aren’t a writer and you find yourself more in need of a community impact, take PS to your local groups! We are in a phase of expansion and would love to have PS reach as many young girls as possible.

One more thing: social activism is not an option, it is a responsibility. I feel as though we live in a generation that has become indifferent to action. We are affected and offended by injustices but lack the diligence and, dare I say, attention span to react in an effective way. If something upsets you, angers you to the point of intense frustration, seek to change it! For me, that’s society’s impact on young girls and the lack of available and active mentors for them. PS is my way of attacking that issue and while it is certainly not all that it can be, it is my start, it’s my action. What’s yours?


Be sure to check out Project Sisterhood here.

Be inspired.


p.s. I loved Taj’s advice so much that I made an inspirational image out of it. Pin and Facebook to your content, friends! And be sure to take her words to heart.

"Stop doubting that you are worthy of such a mission." Visit miaprimcasa.com to learn about the amazing of Project Sisterhood

Wearing Strength & Courage

For some reason, I don’t wear the jewelry we sell at Uncovered Artistry as much as you’d expect. Maybe it’s because I spend so much time photographing it, describing it, and otherwise trying to convince my family and friends to buy it, that I just sort of forget to don the pieces myself. But this week, I made an extra effort to pull out some of my favorite Uncovered Artistry pieces.

Handcrafted jewelry made by survivors of domestic and sexual abuse #uncoveredartistry uncovered artistry.com

The bright spring colors of this neon flower necklace made for a breath of fresh springtime spirit to my otherwise (still) sweater-filled outfits.

Handcrafted jewelry made by survivors of domestic and sexual abuse #uncoveredartistry uncovered artistry.comHandcrafted jewelry made by survivors of domestic and sexual abuse #uncoveredartistry uncovered artistry.com

And this purple ribbon bracelet, which I wore just about everyday this week, reminded me of the Uncovered Artistry Project and amazing women behind our jewelry every time I glanced at my watch. To me, wearing one of our pieces is like, in some small way, wearing the strength and courage of our artisans, who battled through (and survived fearlessly) domestic and sexual abuse.

That’s some pretty powerful jewelry.



The Uncovered Artistry Project and boutique is a non-profit that sells the art of domestic and sexual abuse survivors. Learn more about us at our website: www.uncoveredartistry.com.