waffles, beer, + chocolate: antwerp, belgium

Yesterday I wrote about my favorite Dutch foods (stroopwafels and cookie butter included). So today, here’s a look at some of the delicacies I enjoyed on a recent trip to Antwerp, Belgium. The day trip into Belgium was one of the last trips I took in Europe this summer, so I knew from the start I wanted to savor it. Thankfully, Belgian chocolate, beer, and waffles made the savoring very easy.

Waffles with Cherries in Antwerp, Belgium #100DaysofMiaPrima Waffles in Antwer, Belgium #100DaysofMiaPrimaBelgian Waffles. 

Mas Museum in Antwerp, Belgium #100DaysofMiaPrimaView of the Mas Museum

Frites with Curry Sauce in Antwerp, Belgium #100DaysofMiaPrimaFrites with mayo, curry sauce, and onions. 

Coffee in Antwerp, Belgium #100DaysofMiaPrimaAntwerp, Belgium Street View #100DaysofMiaPrimaThe beautiful Belgian city of Antwerp.

Coffee in Antwerp, Belgium  #100DaysofMiaPrimaAntwerp, Belgium Coffee Shop #100DaysofMiaPrimaCoffee in the city.

Chocolate Hedgehog Candy in Antwerp, Belgium x#100DaysofMiaPrimaThe Belgian server: “It’s filled with alcohol. Is that okay”

Me: “Um, yes, totally.”

Server: “Because most people do not expect a hedgehog to be filled with alcohol.”

True enough.

Beer in Antwerp, Belgium #100DaysofMiaPrimaBelgian beer, of course.

Antwerp, Belgium Skyline #100DaysofMiaPrimaPanoramic views from the Mas Museum.

Antwerp, Belgium Candies #100DaysofMiaPrimaBelgian cuberdon. Sweet cones filled with gushy deliciousness. 

Antwerp, Belgium Bike Sign #100DaysofMiaPrimaMaybe cycling is just a way to burn off all the Belgian calorie goodness…

One day, I’ll be back in Belgium to enjoy theses delicious treats again. Until then, I’ll have to make due savoring the stroopwafels I brought back with me from Holland.

au revoir!


This post is #87 of the #The100DayProject. For more updates on my progress, be sure to follow me on Instagram and look for the hashtage, #100DaysofMiaPrima

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Eat Like the Dutch

Hallo, Belgium!

Cookie Butter (Need I Say More?)

eat like the dutch

The Best Dutch Foods EVER GibbsonGirl.com

When you think of the Dutch, what type of food comes to mind? Gouda probably. And maybe herring.

I’m admit it, The Netherlands isn’t my number one choice for cuisine, but the Dutch do have some really tasty dishes. Here are my favorites:

Dutch Cheese Sandwich #100DaysofMiaprimaDutch Cheese Sandwich w: Avocado #100DaysofMiaprima

Cheese sandwiches. But not just cheese sandwiches. Super delicious varieties with mayo, mustard, avocado, and more.

Dutch Coffee #100DaysofMiaPrima

Dutch coffee. Neither an espresso nor an Americano, Dutch coffee is somewhere perfectly in between. And it always comes with a cookies, so there’s that too.

Dutch Kibbeling #100DaysofMiaPrima

Kibbeling. Cheap and delicious.

Dutch Cookie Butter #100DaysofMiaPrima

Cookie butter. Obviously this is one of the best things to ever come out of the Netherlands. Add some hagelslag on top and your mind will be blown.

Dutch Puffed Pancakes #100DaysofMiaPrima

Poffertjes Tiny puffed pancakes. So yeah, they’re awesome.

Dutch Apple Pie #100DaysofMiaPrima

Apple pie tart. Why is this so much better than any apple pie I’ve eaten in America?!

Dutch Stroopwafel Cookies #100DaysofMiaPrima

No words can describe the majesty of the stroopwafel. (By the way, it’s not a real waffle…it’s 1000x better than that)

Yummy Dutch Gummies #100DaysofMiaprimaDutch Gummies #100daysofmiaprima

Gummies. So. Many. Gummies.

Dutch White Asparagus #100DaysofMiaprima

White asparagus. Okay, yes, it looks…weird. But trust me– it’s delicious!

Belgian Beer #100daysofmiaprima

Belgian beer. Okay, not it’s Dutch per se…but Belgium is so close that their beer in incredibly easy to come by in the Netherlands.

Frites with Curry Sauce in Antwerp, Belgium #100DaysofMiaPrima

Frites. Technically also Belgian. But these deliciously cheap fries (complete with Dutch mayo) are everywhere.

Do you have a Dutch favorite that I missed?

tot ziens!


This post is #86 of the #The100DayProject. For more updates on my progress, be sure to follow me on Instagram and look for the hashtage, #100DaysofMiaPrima

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So Sweet

Nutella, Coffee, Gouda, + Bellini: The Best of European Brunch

The Freshest Restaurant in Amserdam

Cookie Butter (Need I Say More?)

nutella, coffee, gouda, + bellini: the best of european brunch

I have come to conclude that nobody loves brunch like the Americans. It’s hard to explain to some non-Americans that brunch is not just a breakfast with booze involved. But some places in Europe are doing brunch right. I had one of the best brunch experienced in Paris: pastries, Nutella, honey, jam, bottomless coffee, greens, and of course lots of bread and cheese. Yum! It’s my ideal European-style brunch!
Pastry Brunch in Paris #100DaysofMiaPrimaEggs Benedict Brunch Breakfast #100DaysofMiaPrima European Style Brunch Breakfast #100DaysofMiaPrima 1European Style Brunch Breakfast Tea #100DaysofMiaPrima European Style Brunch Breakfast #100DaysofMiaPrima European Style Brunch Breakfast Eggs Benedict #100DaysofMiaPrima

Combine Parisian brunch with British eggs on toast (or our modified, homemade eggs Benedict), Italian Bellini, and Dutch Gouda, and you have one perfect morning/afternoon.



This post is #77 of the #The100DayProject. For more updates on my progress, be sure to follow me on Instagram and look for the hashtage, #100DaysofMiaPrima

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European Brunch: Vegan Style!

Euro Brunch, Vegetarian Style

So Sweet

The Freshest Restaurant in Amserdam

from iced coffee to vintage scrunchies: a day in berlin

I’m not sure if I love Berlin because of its culture, street art, and unique fashion sense or because today I was able to enjoy a vegan iced coffee and vegan burrito…but seriously, the iced coffee was a coconut water cold press with coconut milk! Whatever the reason (and I’m sure it’s all of them), I had an excellent Day #3 exploring Berlin. Unlike yesterday, I opted for public transit over cycling, as my day was packed with sites across the city. It was a morning of museums at the DDR museum and Gemäldegalerie followed by the wall art of the East Side Gallery and thrift shopping at Friedrichshain and Europe’s largest Humana (similar to the US’s GoodWill).

East Side Gallery Berlin Wall #100DaysofMiaPrima East Side Gallery Berlin Wall #100DaysofMiaPrima 1 East Side Gallery Berlin Wall #100DaysofMiaPrima 2 20150617_191616

And yes, I bought a delicious iced coffee. But I also purchased five handmade vintage scrunchies, a crochet tank top, a tofu burger, and innumerable postcards. I don’t think I could have topped that.

bis später!


This post is #57 of the #The100DayProject. For more updates on my progress, be sure to follow me on Instagram and look for the hashtage, #100DaysofMiaPrima.

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Hallo, Deutschland!

A Day in Berlin (As Told Through Food)

healthy goals

For just over a year I’ve tried to stick to a modified plant-based diet. Along the way, I ended up deciding to add back in small amount of fish and eggs (for protein and iron), but otherwise, I more or less committed to healthier plant-based eating habits. However, recent travel in Europe and general convenience led to me eat a bit more cheese than I’ve planned.

That said, I’m ready to start feeling better and eating better, so I have some new healthy goals! One way to help achieve a goal is to make your intensions know; build in some accountability. Which is why I’m sharing my goals with you all today.

Restaurant De Kas Amsterdam #100DaysofMiaPrima

Goal #1: Increase my iron and protein intake

How? Include at least one serving of iron and protein-rich food a day, along side vitamin C (to help absorb the iron)

Foods: tuna, salmon, spinach

Timeline + Measure: Feel noticeably more energized mid-day and during workouts by June 1st


Goal #2: Improve digestion

How? Include at least one serving of high fiber food a day. Drink ginger tea four time or more a week. Decrease cheese intake to one meal a day or less.

Foods: oatmeal, whole wheat bread, veggies

Timeline + Measure: Evening stomach issues occur less frequently by June 1st


What are your health goals?




This post is #38 of the #The100DayProject. For more updates on my progress, be sure to follow me on Instagram and look for the hashtage, #100DaysofMiaPrima.

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The Power of Food

European Brunch: Vegan Style!

Vegan Snacking: 10 Snacks That Will Make You Forget Potato Chips

Adventures in Plant-Based Nutrition

the freshest restaurant in amsterdam

Yesterday, my friends surprised me with the most fantastic brunch I have ever experienced. The Restaurant De Kas, which is situated outside Amsterdam’s bustling city center in a serene (but classy. Think: adorable frites stand and it’s own bird king.) park, serves the bounty of its onsite greenhouses on its every-changing menu. I could describe to you what exactly it was we ate, but no words will do the meal justice. Photographs might be second best to tasting the food for yourself…So “Eet smakelijk!”

Restaurant De Kas Amsterdam #100DaysofMiaPrima Restaurant De Kas Amsterdam #100DaysofMiaPrima 1 Restaurant De Kas Amsterdam #100DaysofMiaPrima 2 Restaurant De Kas Amsterdam #100DaysofMiaPrima 3 Restaurant De Kas Amsterdam #100DaysofMiaPrima 4 Restaurant De Kas Amsterdam #100DaysofMiaPrima 5 Restaurant De Kas Amsterdam #100DaysofMiaPrima 6 Restaurant De Kas Amsterdam #100DaysofMiaPrima 7 Restaurant De Kas Amsterdam #100DaysofMiaPrima 8 Restaurant De Kas Amsterdam #100DaysofMiaPrima 9 Restaurant De Kas Amsterdam #100DaysofMiaPrima 10 Restaurant De Kas Amsterdam #100DaysofMiaPrima 11 Restaurant De Kas Amsterdam #100DaysofMiaPrima 12 Restaurant De Kas Amsterdam #100DaysofMiaPrima 13 Restaurant De Kas Amsterdam #100DaysofMiaPrima 14

As if the day couldn’t get better, we stopped at a vegan gummy store before ending the day with a Narnia-inspired ballet. Not to mention the simple joy of sitting back– coffee in hand–and taking in the enchanting sites of Amsterdam.

Amsterdam #100daysofMiaPrima Amsterdam #100daysofMiaPrima Amsterdam #100daysofMiaPrima Amsterdam #100daysofMiaPrima Amsterdam #100daysofMiaPrima Amsterdam #100daysofMiaPrima Amsterdam #100daysofMiaPrima Amsterdam #100daysofMiaPrima Amsterdam #100daysofMiaPrima Amsterdam #100daysofMiaPrima Amsterdam #100daysofMiaPrima

Tot ziens!


This post is #31 of the #The100DayProject. For more updates on my progress, be sure to follow me on Instagram and look for the hashtage, #100DaysofMiaPrima.

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Otherwise Known as ‘s-Hertogenbosch

When I Think of Amsterdam

Tulip Speculation

Going Dutch

new england coffee house charm

I always enjoy visiting the charming New England town of Exeter, New Hampshire. Small but brimming with history, Exeter never ceases to delight me in some way. Today, I visited D Squared Java and enjoyed a made-to-order pour over coffee and a vegan gluten free cookie. D Squared proved to be a quality coffee house with an endearing atmosphere.

D Squared Java Exeter, NH #100DaysofMiaPrima

D Squared Java Exeter, NH #100DaysofMiaPrimaD Squared Java Exeter, NH #100DaysofMiaPrimaD Squared Java Exeter, NH #100DaysofMiaPrimaD Squared Java Exeter, NH #100DaysofMiaPrima


This post is #19 of the #The100DayProject. For more updates on my progress, be sure to follow me on Instagram and look for the hashtage, #100DaysofMiaPrima.

a vegan thanksgiving + a happy fall


Book art Book artVegan ThanksgivingVegan ThanksgivingVegan ThanksgivingWinner-2014-Web-Banner

Fall Mix Tapes (with handmade covers)

A Vegan Thanksgiving complete with quinoa, veggies, mashed potatoes, and of course desserts…

Vegan Hot Apple Crumble Bars

Vegan Lemon and Fig Bars


50,000 words of a new novel

That was definitely one happy fall.



the power of food

Power of Food: Jamie Oliver quotation

Since I’ve run out of British detective shows to watch lately, I’ve turned to documentaries and TED Talks for my evening relaxation. While learning about Viking explorers, the evolution of humans, the “moral molecule,” and a secret river under Dublin has been quite riveting, the video I watched this evening struck a deeper cord. Jamie Oliver’s TED talk on the power of food (to do good or, as is often the case in this country, bad) renewed my vigor for healthy living and eating. I’ve been following (more or less- cookie butter is a weakness, okay!?) a plant-based diet for six months now, and contrary to what you might think, this lifestyle has introduced me to so many new ways of cooking, new food to try, and new methods to make eating and cooking easier, more delicious, and fun. I’ve felt better, ran faster (marathon PR!), and found the joy of making a home cooked meal. I love Jamie’s approach to the power of food: that it should be a part of the daily ritual that makes our lives rich and interesting. And healthy.



p.s. Jamie’s website has some great vegan recipes as well! Here are the ones I’m particularly excited to try:

No-Bake Vegan Chocolate Fudge Bars

Vegan Blueberry Pancakes

The Best Vegan Burger

Vegan Shepherds Pie

european brunch: vegan style!

Vegan Style European Brunch: recipes on miaprimacasa.com #vegan #vegetarian #brunch #recipes

“When you wake up in the morning, Pooh,” said Piglet at last, “what’s the first thing you say to yourself?”

“What’s for breakfast?” said Pooh. “What do you say, Piglet?”

“I say, I wonder what’s going to happen exciting today?” said Piglet.

Pooh nodded thoughtfully. “It’s the same thing,” he said.

Ah, brunch. Truly the best meal of the day. Especially if you’re vegan. Because, frankly, anything goes! Breakfast food? Sure! Lunch food? Why not! Greens first thing in the morning? Go for it! Brunch in a vegan’s dream. Plus it’s a really good excuse to invite your friends over and chow down on all the excess Trader Joe’s groceries you bought the day before when you made the mistake of grocery shopping after a long run…

I like to think my brunches are European style because I fell in love with breakfast in Siena, Italy while filling up on Nutella croissants (still warm!), prosciutto, pecorino, and espresso. But to be honest, I think Americans do brunch best: lots of food, lots of friends, usually a hangover, and bottomless mimosas.

But for the days you want to stay in for the best meal of the weekend, I’ve put together a delicious vegan brunch menu. European inspired, American made, and to absolutely die for.

On the Menu:

Hazelnut latte with soy milk (sugar free!)

Baguette with assorted toppings: sugar free preserves, vegan butter, Dutch speculoos (In all fairness, I don’t know if speculoos is actually vegan, as the ingredients list is in Dutch! Sadly, I suspect it’s not.)

Local Pennsylvania organic apples

Fresh lemon mango cucumber water*

Sweet potato chips with homemade hummus*

Assorted veggie tofu scramble*

*Keep scrolling for the recipes below!


Lemon Mango Cucumber Water

Lemon Mango Cucumber Water

The idea is so simple, I can’t believe I didn’t think of it sooner! Add cut up cucumbers, lemon, and frozen mango to a pitcher of water, and suddenly you have a refreshingly healthy drink that actually makes you excited to drink more water.



  • 2 15 oz cans of chickpeas, drained
  • or 1 1/2 cup dried chickpeas, rinsed, soaked and cooked (I cook mine in the crock pot!)
  • 2 minced garlic cloves
  • splash of lemon juice
  • 3 tbs olive oil
  • 1/3 cup water
  • Salt and pepper
Mix the above in the food processor. Run it for a long time (about 6 minutes) to get it fluffy. Add more water if needed.
For a fun variation on the above recipe, use less water and add a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar. Yum!


Tofu Scramble

  • 1-2 packages of tofu (1 package=one serving)
  • Assorted veggies, diced, cut, etc. I like to make this dish with any extra veggies from the week. It’s a great way to use up your extra produce in one dish!
  • 1 tbs sesame oil
  • 1-2 tbs soy sauce
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • sprouted grain toast (optional, of course! But the scramble is delectable with vegan butter and toast)

Wrap the blocks of tofu in a dry paper towel. Set on a smooth plate or cutting board and add weight on top. I sandwich my tofu between two cutting boards and stack my cookbooks on top. Whatever gets a decent amount of water out of the tofu, works! Let the tofu sit this way for ten minutes or so.

While waiting, heat the sesame oil on medium/high heat. When warm, add your veggies. Add a tablespoon of soy sauce. If the veggies are sticking to the pan, add water, a tablespoon or so at a time.

When the tofu is ready, crumble into the pan with the veggies. Stir and add your second tablespoon of soy sauce. Continue to cook until tofu is heated through. Add salt and pepper to taste.


Any other vegan recipes you’d recommend for brunch?



Related Posts:
Recipes for Vegan Brunch on miaprimacasa.com