waffles, beer, + chocolate: antwerp, belgium

Yesterday I wrote about my favorite Dutch foods (stroopwafels and cookie butter included). So today, here’s a look at some of the delicacies I enjoyed on a recent trip to Antwerp, Belgium. The day trip into Belgium was one of the last trips I took in Europe this summer, so I knew from the start I wanted to savor it. Thankfully, Belgian chocolate, beer, and waffles made the savoring very easy.

Waffles with Cherries in Antwerp, Belgium #100DaysofMiaPrima Waffles in Antwer, Belgium #100DaysofMiaPrimaBelgian Waffles. 

Mas Museum in Antwerp, Belgium #100DaysofMiaPrimaView of the Mas Museum

Frites with Curry Sauce in Antwerp, Belgium #100DaysofMiaPrimaFrites with mayo, curry sauce, and onions. 

Coffee in Antwerp, Belgium #100DaysofMiaPrimaAntwerp, Belgium Street View #100DaysofMiaPrimaThe beautiful Belgian city of Antwerp.

Coffee in Antwerp, Belgium  #100DaysofMiaPrimaAntwerp, Belgium Coffee Shop #100DaysofMiaPrimaCoffee in the city.

Chocolate Hedgehog Candy in Antwerp, Belgium x#100DaysofMiaPrimaThe Belgian server: “It’s filled with alcohol. Is that okay”

Me: “Um, yes, totally.”

Server: “Because most people do not expect a hedgehog to be filled with alcohol.”

True enough.

Beer in Antwerp, Belgium #100DaysofMiaPrimaBelgian beer, of course.

Antwerp, Belgium Skyline #100DaysofMiaPrimaPanoramic views from the Mas Museum.

Antwerp, Belgium Candies #100DaysofMiaPrimaBelgian cuberdon. Sweet cones filled with gushy deliciousness. 

Antwerp, Belgium Bike Sign #100DaysofMiaPrimaMaybe cycling is just a way to burn off all the Belgian calorie goodness…

One day, I’ll be back in Belgium to enjoy theses delicious treats again. Until then, I’ll have to make due savoring the stroopwafels I brought back with me from Holland.

au revoir!


This post is #87 of the #The100DayProject. For more updates on my progress, be sure to follow me on Instagram and look for the hashtage, #100DaysofMiaPrima

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Eat Like the Dutch

Hallo, Belgium!

Cookie Butter (Need I Say More?)

den haag, the netherlands

Den Haag– the Netherland’s third largest city after Amsterdam and Rotterdam– was a stark contrast to Delft, the small town I visited just a day before. Whereas much of Delft was accessible by foot, Den Haag, also known in English as “The Hague,” required the use of pubic transportation to make good use of the city. Thankfully, as so often is the case when I travel, I was lucky enough to have a very kind bus driver-turned-tour-guide.

Den Haag, The Netherlands #100DaysofMiaPrimaCoffee Shop in Den Haag, The Netherlands

The two main attractions in Den Haag that I was set on seeing were the Mauritshuis, where Vermeer’s famous Girl with a Pearl Earring is located, and the Louwman Museum, a classic car museum that rivals Turin’s Nazionale Dell’automobile.

Below are some of my favorite shots from the Louwman Museum and a few of my favorite paintings from Mauritshuis. Overall, the day trip to Den Haag proved to be a good one– full of diversity: from swan cars and royal chariots to creamy coffee and Vermeer’s strokes of daylight.

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Mauritshuis Den Haag #100DaysofMiaPrima

Mauritshuis, Den Haag

Girl with a Pearl Earring, Vermeer #100DaysofMiaPrima 1Girl with a Pearl Earring, Johannes Vermeer

Girl With a Pearl Earring, Vermeer #100DaysofMiaPrimaMy favorite paintings from the Mauritshuis

Tot ziens!


This post is #51 of the #The100DayProject. For more updates on my progress, be sure to follow me on Instagram and look for the hashtage, #100DaysofMiaPrima.

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Delft, Holland

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Adventures in Pittsburgh: Carnegie Museums

Carengie Museum

Arabian artifacts, dinosaur fossiles, glittering cases of gem stones, Renaissance paintings, and of course conceptual sculpture. These are just a few things to completely and totally over-stimulate your mind at the Carnegie Museum of Art and Natural History. As if a museum of either natural history or art wouldn’t be enough, the two are connected (under one roof and under one admission fee), so be sure to plan a whole day around this museum.

The Roads of Arabia exhibit was excellent. Beautiful, intriguing artifacts combined with video, tours, and very helpful volunteers, make this exhibit a success in my book. I spent at least a half hour in there, which I think is a pretty good testament on how much the exhibit held my attention (for an art major, I move pretty quickly through museums…)!

The art portion of the museum held an array of everything from Renaissance to Impressionism, to my personal favorite, conceptual sculpture and installation. Sadly, this piece by one of my favorite artists, Rirkrit Tiravanija, was not open. Which means I’ll be back!

Alexander Calder

Thankfully, a good supply of Alexander Calder works made up for my disappointment over Tiravanija’s closed exhibit.Carnegie Musem of Art Carnegie Sculpture Evening Richard Hughes

All this because the Andy Warhol Museum was closed and I was bent on spending my President’s day at a museum. Maybe that’ll be next week’s adventure…